Road Show Survey

Road Show Survey

Financial sustainability questions for those who attended the SADTC Roadshows in 2018.

Please note that you need to be logged in to answer the questions by clicking on "Continue" below. 

Dear Member

SADTC concluded its countrywide consultation process by means of roadshows. The focus of the road show was to share with registered members the SADTCs financial status and future sustainability. During the roadshows, we promised the profession that the survey will be made available to all members of the profession in order for you to submit your much-valued opinion regarding the future of the profession. 

How to submit a survey response:

Step 1) Click on "Continueat the bottom of the page under self enrolment. 

NB: You need to be logged in to respond to the survey. 

When prompted to log in, use the following details:

Username/email: The email address you are receiving this email on

Password: sadtc12345 (this can be updated once you are logged in)

Step 2) Complete the survey and remember to submit your answers once complete.


Should you require further assistance, please direct your queries via email to

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